When dissolved in water, iron and magnesium typically leave rust-orange or black stains in sinks, bathtubs, toilets and any other household appliance that uses water. These minerals are found in many water sources distributed throughout homes.
Water is a natural solvent and, given the correct conditions and necessary time, will dissolve anything it comes into contact with. American Water is here to explain some of the causes of orange stains, and how to remove these stains from your Round Rock home.
What Causes Orange Water Stains?
Iron minerals don’t usually appear orange when running through the faucet. They only turn orange after they have been exposed to air. This may be one of the causes of why your bathtub or sink has stains. One of the ways you can fix this is by investing in a water treatment solution from our team. Our systems will remove the hard minerals from your tap water.
Professional Water Filtration Systems
If you’re interested in having filtered water at every tap throughout your home, the team at American Water is ready to help. A comprehensive filtration system helps keep debris, hard minerals or chemical substances from passing through your faucets.
Reverse Osmosis System
Reverse osmosis (RO) water systems are powerful filtration units that force your tap water through a fine, semipermeable membrane to remove almost all waterborne contaminates. RO is one of the most effective water filtering methods, filtering particles down to the microscopic level. This is a great option if you’re interested in eliminating more than just iron from your water.
Powerline Backwashing Filter
Specifically designed to remove sediment and iron from your water, this system is an ideal way to eliminate your orange stains at their source. Our technicians can walk you through the process of maintaining your backwashing filter so you can enjoy fresh, high-quality water without those unsightly stains.
Paraflow 2100 Water Softener
Water softeners are a great solution for eliminating the effects of hard water. This system is reserved for homes that run on well water, with non-electric operation and a dual-tank setup. You can even customize your filtration methods with our comprehensive choice of media — say goodbye to orange rust stains once and for all.
How To Remove Rust Stains
Even if you’ve taken steps to improve your water quality, you still need to get rid of those rust-orange stains. Here are a few things you can do to remove iron stains from tubs or sinks.
Vinegar And Baking Soda
This is one of the safest and easiest methods for removing iron stains. Create a paste of equal parts white vinegar and baking soda, then apply the mixture to the rust stains. Wait 15-20 minutes before scrubbing with a scrub brush. Rinse with water.
Lemon Juice And Salt
If you tried the method above and it didn’t work, add salt and lemon juice into a bowl. Mix them until you get a paste-like consistency. Then, cover the stains and let the mixture sit for 15-20 minutes. After that, scrub it with a sponge and rinse clean with water.
Rust Remover
If your stains aren’t coming clean, you can use a commercial rust remover product. There are various products available on the market to remove household rust stains. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions, wear protective gear and follow safety precautions on the label.
Regardless of the method you choose, always be cautious when using strong cleaning agents and follow safety instructions. It’s also a good idea to test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of your bathtub to ensure it doesn’t damage the finish.
Banish Rust Stains With American Water
If you still have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! Here at American Water, we’ll be more than happy to give you the answers you need. Ready for your new water treatment system? We’re ready to hear from you — reach out today!