A question that is asked by many new homeowners when investing in a new water system is, “Do water softeners remove all the minerals, even healthy ones, out of my water?” We’re here to answer this common misconception about soft water. The team at American Water is here to provide our customers with top-quality water treatment systems.
Is Softened Water Safe To Drink?
Many homes in the Austin area receive hard water from their city’s water supply. While it’s not harmful to drink, the minerals in hard water can cause limescale buildup and chalky deposits in your plumbing and on home surfaces.
Investing in a water softener can eliminate these hard minerals, but is soft water safe for consumption? Unless you’re on a strict low-sodium diet, drinking soft water should not have any negative health effects. That’s right — neither hard nor soft water are harmful for your health.
How Does A Water Softener Work?
The purpose of a water softener is to treat hard water by removing minerals in a process called ion exchange. Mineral ions that cause hardness and damage to your home are trapped by resin within the system and exchanged for sodium and potassium ions.
However, even though the bad minerals are getting taken out, that doesn’t mean some elements that are beneficial to your health are staying in.
Minerals Removed From Water
Minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron — all elements that have been proven to have healthy benefits to the human system — get removed in the ion-exchange process.
This makes the water in your home as “mineral-free” as possible. Long story short, if it’s a mineral, it’s getting filtered out by the water softener.
What Is The Purpose Of A Water Softener?
Some people may then ask about the purpose of a water softener if these healthy minerals are being exchanged for sodium or potassium. A water softener is designed to prevent the build-up of hard water deposits on the inside of pipes, fixtures and hot water heaters.
These systems can also extend the life of some appliances, reduce or prevent mineral spots on glassware and prevent soap films and detergent curds in sinks, bathtubs and washing machines.
Effect Of Mineral Removal On Your Health
Even though water softeners remove all minerals from the water you bathe in and drink, the minerals present in unfiltered tap water are not a significant source of minerals.
In fact, most minerals are in the food that you eat and part of whatever diet you are following. If you do want to preserve the minerals lost in the filtering process, you can invest in a point-of-use water filter for your drinking water. These systems can remove contaminants while retaining healthy minerals.
Reach Out To American Water
American Water wants the best for their customers and is here to provide long-lasting water treatment solutions. If you want to learn more about your options and how you can utilize our essential services, contact our team today!