Keeping your home clean can be a challenge, especially when you encounter tough stains. Hard water stains on your toilet are unsightly as they leave a brownish colored ring on your toilet bowl, usually appearing to be raised. While difficult to remove, it can be done with some extra effort.
After draining the toilet by shutting off the water supply, you will be left with a surface that is easy to clean and your products will not be diluted. Wetting a pumice stone and gently rubbing the porcelain will effectively remove hard water stains. You can also use vinegar or a baking soda water-based paste to remove the stains. Scrub the surface after the common household products have sat on the stain between 15 and 30 minutes. Remember to turn your water on after the cleaning job is complete and take caution if cleaning a colored toilet.
While these remedies will temporarily remove hard water stains, the results are not long term. If your Austin home is plagued with hard water stains, contact the professionals at [firm-name] to learn about long term solutions to your water issues today at [phone-number].